Saturday, October 3, 2009

8 Major Causes Of Pimples You Should Know

Before we jump to the cure, we have to understand the causes of pimples. What could be causing these ugly and angry bumps to appear and collect on our face?

There are actually a myriad of reasons why pimples or acne are populating your face. We listed down the major causes of pimples you have to know.

1. Genetics
It could be in your genes! Some people just have inherently overactive sebaceous glands. If your parents suffered from pimples or acne during their younger days, you too may follow the same route.

We could not change genes (at least there is no such existing technology yet!) but you can do something to help normalize the functions of your sebaceous glands and help control breakouts.

2. Stress
Stress is one factor that causes a multitude of debilitating illnesses and that includes acne. When you are faced with a stressful situation, your body reacts by sending fighting agents to help your nervous system and other vital systemic functions to cope with that stressful situation. Your sebaceous glands also react and produce more oil than usual.

There are anti-stress supplements we can take daily. If you think these supplements are unnecessary, you can just do a few relaxing techniques (read: breathing exercises).

3. Lack Of Sleep
Too many nights devoid of much-needed shut-eye can lead to a tired and stressed skin condition. Your skin needs time to recuperate too and your skin cells need rest to perform regrowth cycle.

4. Hormonal Imbalance
This is a problem common to most women. When that time of the month comes, zits almost always appear. Some women take birth control pills or estrogen and progesterone replacement therapies. But be careful not to do some self-prescription when you do this. Make sure you consult your doctor first.

5. Vitamin and Minerals Deficiency
A deficiency in Vitamin A, B complex, Vitamin E, Vitamin D and Vitamin C maybe causing all these ruckus on your skin. These vitamins help promote better dermis functioning and when one is lacking, the functions of our skin are just not up to par. Minerals such as iron are also essential.

Taking nutritional supplements is advised if food alone cannot augment what it missing. Make sure you are taking the right dosage as some of these nutrients are toxic if taken in excess.

6. Poor Hygiene
Laziness can be one of the major culprits. Not washing your face can make way for collected bacteria. If you have oily skin, washing your face 2-3 times a day is necessary to get rid of clogged up oil, dirt and bacteria. For dry skin, washing just once a day is sufficient.

7. Your Facial Cream
Changing facial creams every so often and using one that is noncomedogenic might be the reason why pimples are relentless. Some people, especially those in their 20s are very experimental in what they are using so they tend to flit from one facial cream to the next.

Make sure what you are using contain no parabens and harsh substances. It should be completely oil-free so it will not add up to the grease on your face. You can also find a number of natural and organic facial creams today with mild but beneficial natural ingredients.

8. Bad Habits
Touching your face all the time can transfer bacteria from your hands to your face. Also, make it a habit to change sheets and pillowcases once or twice a week to get rid of dead skin cells and accumulated oil on your bed accessories.

Now that you know the major causes of pimples, this is the best time to act on it. Being pimple-free is actually just within your reach if you address the root of the problem.


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